I am Nick’s mom

The day is finally here.

It is no secret that Nick loves airplanes. Everything about airplanes and airports. It is his passion and his hobby. He even tells us that he needs them. As expected, the day we travel is a red-letter day, clearly marked on the calendar on his wall. But so is “Final Packing Day.” Nick has termed

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Developing resilience.

Everyone experiences hard things. I have reached a point when I say “I can’t do this.” According to the American Psychological Association, resilience gives us the emotional strength to successfully adapt to difficult or challenging life experiences. Resilience is a person’s ability to withstand adversity, bounce back and grow despite life’s downturns. I have wondered,

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Can’t someone make the hard decision for me?

As a parent, I know that we are called upon many times to make decisions for our children. Some choices are easy. The best thing to do is clear and we breeze-on through that situation. However when the full consequences of the different choices are not clear, then it is hard. Nick has been having

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The Party is Over, but the Memory Remains!

We celebrated Nick’s 42nd birthday last week. It was a glorious day. The weather was perfect. Nick was doing great that day. His subclinical seizures seemed to be at a minimum. He was engaged and involved in all the party preparations. He received phone calls and video calls from people who couldn’t join us for

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Be of Good Cheer!

The holidays can be stressful and this year has been full of difficult situations for everyone. I believe that the Bible has messages that are valid for us today. Consider 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verses 8 – 10. 8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;9

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I underestimated Nick. AGAIN!

I haven’t written a post lately.  Nick has been in a low place physically and my mood has matched.  It makes me sad to see him struggle to move from his wheelchair to another chair, etc. and I just haven’t known what to share. Well, yesterday started out the same as all the rest of

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Gratitude often comes after the event.

Over the last two days, I was reminded that sometimes it takes a while for my grateful heart to reappear after the crisis passes. This week began our annual season of thankfulness and gratitude, followed by the season of love.  Each year I love it. Nick enjoys everything about air travel.  Tuesday afternoon we were

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“We not forget our roots!”

Recently while visiting with some friends in Ireland, we were talking about celebrities and how it seems easy for some people to get caught up in their own reputations and then be carried away by their fame.  This can also happen when people become highly successful in their career, volunteer work, or other accomplishments.  From

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Announcing that I have finished a book with the working title of “The Fairy Fort.” I am currently pitching it to publishers. Keep checking back to watch the progress of my newest novel.

Here is a quick glimpse of the story.

Sarah Doherty is an 18-year-old living in rural Ireland at the tail end of the Great War. Plagued by severe epilepsy, she is protected by her parents and lives a sheltered, secluded, lonely life. The Fae, local Irish fairies, interfere with her life. She falls forward a century in time through the local fairy fort of standing stones. She had a seizure in 1918 and woke up in 2020. The 21st century world includes life-saving prescriptions, physical comforts and the independence and freedom she seeks. The locals are welcoming and Andy Mclaughlin, a handsome young historian, is intriguing. She doesn’t want to return home.

Then a letter arrives from Boston divulging the story of Sarah and Andy’s lives that are deeply entwined in the previous century. They are not yet in love but as they seek to verify the letter through online resources, they feel a growing obligation to their unborn family and to each other. What would happen to their posterity living in Boston if they don’t return to 1918? Even if they do make it back, her parents can never know what happened to her or that would change everything.

This Young Adult time-travel romance explores the question: Do we have the freedom to make choices or is free will an elaborate illusion?

This is my third book. I love reading time travel romances. I am an advocate for epilepsy awareness because my 43-year-old son has intractable epilepsy. As a genealogist specializing in Irish research, I live part of the year in the village where the story is based. I wrote the book to help young adults understand that difficult situations can change your life. Sometimes miraculously.