March 2017

Learning to talk.

When Nick was about 15 months old, it was decided that he might benefit from speech therapy.  The first time we met with the speech therapist, she said that we needed to encourage his thought patterns, his inductive and deductive reasoning, so that he might be able to develop speech.  It was very interesting to me. Although we had

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I got a joke!

Years ago, when Nick was still in high school, he began noticing social conversations more and more and wanted to participate.  Often after dinner, someone in our family would say, “did you hear the one about…” which would indicate that the story telling amateur comedy hour had begun with everyone seated around our dining room table.  Nick would

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What I say?

We love to laugh.  Arden is a great one for coming up with puns or changing the words to popular songs which makes us all either laugh or groan. Everyone in our family thinks that they are a comedian, even Nick.  It took Nick a while to gain the language skills to be able to share

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Anything is possible.

From the time I can remember, I have been a goal setter and achievement oriented.  this can be very positive, and the down side was that often I would avoid starting something unless I was pretty sure that the outcome would be successful.  It has been who I am.  Nick has helped me see that

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Is it possible?

Last night Arden, Nick and I went to a wonderful Mexican restaurant on Alki Point in West Seattle.  I have been there many times for business lunches and I am always intrigued with the exciting and varied meal options.  It is not your typical Seattle area Mexican restaurant menu. As we were settling in, and I looked

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Simple Pleasures.

Nick and other people like him can teach us profound lessons, if we are aware and paying attention.  One of the easiest things to notice about Nick is that he finds joy in simple pleasures.  He loves it when people are laughing.  He loves to hug others and receive hugs.  He loves to blow bubbles.

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“I am walking now.”

We got some great news today.  After reviewing new x-rays, the doctor said that Nick’s ankle is healed up and he can retire his walking air cast.  I thought that Nick would show more excitement when he heard the news.  I think that the doctor wondered if Nick understood what was happening.  We took the

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What Will Tomorrow Bring?

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Tradition, Tradition!

In the famous movie “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye the father of 5 girls struggles to pass on to his children, the religious and cultural traditions that he was raised with. His oldest 3 girls each force him to reconsider his position as they make their own desires known. It is a wonderful entertaining story,

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

We love traveling to Ireland.  Our first family trip to Ireland was in 1986.  We had our 4 children between ages 8 and 3 for two weeks in the local area where my grandparents had emigrated from. 4400 miles from home.  It was magical. Having the experience of learning first hand about our cultural heritage is amazing.  We

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Announcing that I have finished a book with the working title of “The Fairy Fort.” I am currently pitching it to publishers. Keep checking back to watch the progress of my newest novel.

Here is a quick glimpse of the story.

Sarah Doherty is an 18-year-old living in rural Ireland at the tail end of the Great War. Plagued by severe epilepsy, she is protected by her parents and lives a sheltered, secluded, lonely life. The Fae, local Irish fairies, interfere with her life. She falls forward a century in time through the local fairy fort of standing stones. She had a seizure in 1918 and woke up in 2020. The 21st century world includes life-saving prescriptions, physical comforts and the independence and freedom she seeks. The locals are welcoming and Andy Mclaughlin, a handsome young historian, is intriguing. She doesn’t want to return home.

Then a letter arrives from Boston divulging the story of Sarah and Andy’s lives that are deeply entwined in the previous century. They are not yet in love but as they seek to verify the letter through online resources, they feel a growing obligation to their unborn family and to each other. What would happen to their posterity living in Boston if they don’t return to 1918? Even if they do make it back, her parents can never know what happened to her or that would change everything.

This Young Adult time-travel romance explores the question: Do we have the freedom to make choices or is free will an elaborate illusion?

This is my third book. I love reading time travel romances. I am an advocate for epilepsy awareness because my 43-year-old son has intractable epilepsy. As a genealogist specializing in Irish research, I live part of the year in the village where the story is based. I wrote the book to help young adults understand that difficult situations can change your life. Sometimes miraculously.