Nick loves airplanes. Playing with them, watching them take off and land, traveling on them, everything. Arden and I are very blessed. This trip we are not heading to Ireland, instead, we are going to Kentucky to visit family, do Halloween, a birthday celebration and get lots of hugs from grandchildren.
In the middle of our trip,we are going to Orlando, to attend the four day Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) conference. It will be a first for our family to connect with others who are experiencing the same journey with this rare disease. We are looking forward to meeting in person the people we have gotten to know over social media and email this past year.
And getting some 80 degree sun for a week when we live in Seattle is not a bad thing either.
I had written an article for a online newsletter titled “19 tips from an LGS family: Traveling when your child has special needs.” It was published this week as a two-part article. Yesterday as we were packing for the trip, I was reminded of all of the things that I told others to do in the article. I made sure that I did them. I didn’t think it would be very funny if I forgot to do something that I had told others they should do. But we are all human and that has happened to everyone, I’m sure.
It was fun to Google the article title and it came up in the search engine!
Nick woke up at 6:30 this morning yelling out, “It’s daylight!” Well it was 6:30 am at the end of October, so there was no daylight, but he was so excited to get to the airport and onto the plane that he couldn’t sleep anymore.
His joy is contagious, in spite of all of the things on our to-do lists yesterday and today, his smile made both of us happy.
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